With just one cup of this liquid, your orchids will last up to 5 more years.

The simple and natural ingredients are:

  • An Apple;
  • An Aloe Vera leaf.

Wash and cut the apple  into pieces in a saucepan, immediately after doing the same with the Aloe Vera leaf. Next, the two natural ingredients must be immersed in water at room temperature. Let it  macerate for a few minutes  , then the substance is ready.

How to use the substance of apples and aloe vera

Nurseries have discovered how two such ingredients, together, can provide the plant with optimal nutrition and  gentle watering  . The apple is rich in properties and vitamins, with mineral salts that deeply nourish.

apple with aloe

A red and juicy type is chosen   , so that it can transfer all kinds of benefits and properties to the orchid plant.

Aloe Vera is already recognized for its natural properties by ancient populations. It is a  natural antibacterial  , eliminates all types of bacteria and nourishes as well as hydrates all types of plants. Ideal for both the garden and people, this is the plant that helps plants stay healthy and beautiful.

How to use this substance?  It is best to strain the liquid after both ingredients have released their various properties. Next, water the plant’s soil, even once a week (there are no contraindications).

Alternatively, the apple can be replaced with apple cider or apple cider vinegar. These two substances contain the same properties and work to protect and nourish the plant in depth.  In any case, the addition of Aloe Vera  is essential.

The orchid is an extremely delicate plant  , for this reason always use only natural ingredients. Not only that, ask your trusted nurseryman what is the best way to proceed so that it is beautiful and healthy.



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