Vinegar: A Laundry Room Powerhouse

Brighten Your Whites
Bring back the sparkle to your whites with vinegar. Soak your whites in a solution of one part white vinegar to four parts warm water before washing. For less stubborn stains, add half a cup of vinegar to the wash cycle.

Banish Odors
Vinegar is a natural deodorizer. Add a cup to the final rinse to prevent odors or soak smelly items in a vinegar solution before washing.


Always check care labels before using vinegar.
For best results, use white vinegar.
Experiment with different amounts of vinegar to find what works best for you.
By incorporating vinegar into your laundry routine, you’ll enjoy the benefits of softer towels, brighter whites, and fresher-smelling clothes. It’s a simple, eco-friendly, and cost-effective way to improve your laundry results.



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