Thyme destroys throat infections, the flu, fights respiratory infections and much more

Nicknamed by some “the enemy of toxin”, thyme is the subject of legends dating back to Ancient Greece.

Thus, according to old beliefs, it would be born from the tears of the beautiful Helen of Troy, whose forbidden love sparked a war now engraved in history.

But beyond the legend, thyme is above all an herb widely used in cooking. And contrary to the mythological origins attributed to it, its health benefits are scientifically documented. Focus on the benefits of the king of lamiaceae.

Renowned for its many therapeutic virtues, thyme has risen to the rank of essential in our kitchens.

Cough, flu, or respiratory ailments, Thymus vulgaris has more than one trick up its sleeve to relieve everyday ailments.

Its traditional use is also recognized by the WHO as well as by the European Scientific Cooperative of Phytotherapy (ESCOP), without forgetting that the latter is registered in the register of medicinal plants of the French pharmacopoeia.

And for good reason, in the form of essential oil, in infusion or external application, it has a plethora of benefits. Let’s review them.

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