This Is What the Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

5. Free-Range vs. Factory-Farmed Eggs
Eggs from free-range hens, which have access to a more diverse diet, typically have darker yolks. Factory-farmed eggs often come from hens fed a processed, grain-heavy diet, resulting in lighter yolks. However, some commercial farms add color-enhancing additives to the feed to artificially darken the yolk.

6. Health Benefits of Dark Yolks
Yolks with a rich orange hue are often higher in lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that support eye health. These nutrients can help protect against age-related vision problems like macular degeneration and cataracts.

The color of your egg yolk reflects the diet of the hen, and darker yolks are usually more nutrient-dense. While yolk color doesn’t necessarily impact taste or freshness, opting for eggs from hens raised in natural, free-range environments often means you’re getting more nutritious eggs.

So next time you crack an egg, take a moment to appreciate the color of the yolk—it’s a little clue into the health and diet of the hen that laid it!



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