The vegetable that prevents diabetes, kidney disease and asthma

It has many different names, and is a very rich source of benefits: okra <strong>,</strong> also known as okra, is a vegetable of tropical origin widely used in traditional medicine. It contains a high content of vitamins C, K, A and minerals, but also antioxidants such as catechins, rutin and quercetin.
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Okra <strong>contains fiber</strong> , which helps aid digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. Being rich in beta-carotene, this vegetable helps prevent eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.

Vitamin K, on ​​the other hand, helps strengthen bones and avoid osteoporosis. Ocher is also excellent for preventing respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Furthermore, it helps to lower bad cholesterol, is rich in iron and can effectively fight constipation.

To enjoy the <strong>benefits of okra</strong> , cut the end of the vegetable and make several incisions along its entire surface. Soak it in a glass full of water and leave it overnight. Drink the next day before having breakfast.
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