The Ultimate Guide to Storing Onions: Winter Preparation for a 2-Year Shelf Life!

Selecting the Right Onions

Before we dive into storage techniques, it’s important to start with the right type of onions. For long-term storage, opt for hardy varieties such as yellow onions or red onions. These types tend to have a lower water content and firmer texture, making them ideal candidates for extended storage.

Preparing for Storage

  1. Curing: After harvesting or purchasing your onions, allow them to cure. This process involves drying the outer layers of the onions to form a protective seal. Spread the onions in a single layer in a dry, well-ventilated area, such as a shed or a covered porch, and let them cure for about two weeks. The outer skins should become papery, and the necks (the top part of the onion) should feel tight and dry.
  2. Inspect: Before storage, inspect each onion carefully. Only store onions that are firm and free from bruises, cuts, or signs of mold. Any damaged or soft onions should be used immediately or discarded, as one spoiled onion can affect the rest.

Storing the Onions


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