Cleaning white clothes and removing the most stubborn dirt on your clothes can be a challenge, but you can do it with this trick.

Removing stubborn dirt from our clothes can be a daunting challenge, but you don’t always need to resort to sweets to do it. There are alternative, ecological and economical solutions that allow us to remove stains from white garments without harming the environment or compromising our health. Let’s find out.
For this makeup, we only need a few easy-to-get ingredients: boiling water, a basin, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and liquid detergent. These combined products will tackle the toughest stains successfully.
Para empezar, preparamos nuestra solución. Vertemos un litro de agua hirviendo en el barreño y añadimos dos cucharadas soperas de bicarbonato sódico, que tendrá una acción limpiadora suave pero eficaz sin dañar las fibras de los tejidos. A continuación, vierte otras dos cucharadas soperas de peróxido de hidrógeno, conocido por sus propiedades blanqueadoras e higienizantes.

Finally, we add a cup of liquid detergent, making sure that it is delicate but powerful against stains. Mix thoroughly until you get a homogeneous mixture, ready for the cleaning action. Now, dip the garment to be washed in the sink, making sure it is completely covered by the solution.
Leave the fabric to soak for at least half an hour, so that the active ingredients in our products work on the hardened stains. After half an hour of soaking, it’s time to act. We took the garment out of the basket and gently scrubbed the surface where the stain was.
We can use a soft brush or an old sponge to help us, but be careful not to scrub too vigorously to avoid damaging the fabric. After this operation, the garment should appear much cleaner and the stain should be gone.
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