Spanish Tortilla Recèpe

While the potatoes and onions are cooking, beat the eggs in a large bowl and season with salt and pepper.

Combine and Cook:

Once the potatoes and onions are cooked, drain them from the oil using a colander (reserve the oil). Then add them to the beaten eggs and mix gently.

Heat a few tablespoons of the reserved oil in the same pan.

Pour the potato and egg mixture into the pan, spreading it evenly.

Cook over medium heat, shaking the pan occasionally to prevent sticking, until the edges are set and the bottom is golden, about 5 minutes.

Flip the Tortilla:

Place a large plate over the frying pan and invert the tortilla onto the plate.

Slide the tortilla back into the pan to cook the other side, adding a little more oil if necessary.

Cook until the second side is golden and the tortilla is set, about 3-5 minutes.


Let the tortilla cool slightly before cutting into wedges.

Garnish with chopped parsley and serve warm or at room temperature.

Spanish Tortilla can be enjoyed at any meal and is often served as a tapa in Spanish cuisine. It’s simple, filling, and delicious. Enjoy making and tasting your tortilla! If you have any more requests or need further recipes, feel free to ask



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