Preparation: Cut the salami and hunting sausage into strips or cubes. Finely chop the onion. Cut the bell pepper into strips. Cut the gherkins into slices or small cubes.
Frying: Heat some oil in a large pan. Sauté the onions until translucent, then add the salami and the sausage and fry lightly until they get some color.
Add peppers and cucumbers: Briefly fry the peppers and gherkins.
Tomatoes and broth: Add tomato paste and fry briefly, then add the peeled tomatoes from the can and crush them lightly. Deglaze everything with the broth and bring to the boil.
Seasoning: Add the cucumber water, paprika powder, bay leaves and a pinch of sugar. Season with salt and pepper. Let the soup simmer at medium heat for about 20-30 minutes so that the flavors combine well.
Serving: Divide the solyanka between plates and garnish with a dollop of sour cream or sour cream. If you like, you can also serve lemon slices and sprinkle with fresh parsley.
Serving suggestion:
Fresh bread or baguette goes well with this. Solyanka often tastes even better when reheated the next day.
Enjoy your meal!