An alternative to the use of radiators can be the use of the fireplace to obtain the same effect. In fact, with the fireplace lit , it will be sufficient to burn a few sprigs of rosemary together with the wood. Obviously, the more fragrances you add, the better the result will be: green light therefore for pine needles, citrus peels and cinnamon sticks . Furthermore, you can think of preparing water flavored with rosemary and lemon . By letting it boil you will obtain a fragrant vapor that will spread throughout the house.
Rosemary sprigs and essential oil to perfume the house –
If, however, you don’t have rosemary sprigs available , but you do have essential oil , just pour a few drops onto a cloth and place it on a radiator . The effect will be the same, and you can also obtain it with a cotton bag containing dried herbs , or by preparing water flavored with your favorite essential oil .
Other methods to perfume the house
Creating DIY air fresheners is fun, healthy and above all it helps you save money . Obviously you are not forced to limit yourself to just rosemary, but there are endless options to create personalized fragrances for your home, or simply to eliminate bad smells. For example, you can use cloves to prepare aromatic water to boil.
Oregano , then, has the ability to absorb odors , therefore it can be used to perfume critical areas such as the surroundings of a shoe rack . To do this, simply chop some dried oregano leaves and place them in a jar without a lid .
Furthermore, why not try making potpourri with your favorite fragrances? Licorice or cinnamon sticks , dried flowers , sage leaves or lavender flowers : the possibilities are endless , you just need to use your imagination !