Remove Plaque in 5 Minutes Naturally, Without Going to the Dentist

Dental plaque is a deposit of living organisms on the surface of the teeth and is made up of sugar, acid and bacteria. It is a substance which is deposited naturally and which can be eliminated in particular by brushing your teeth . However, insufficient oral hygiene can cause it to build up into an increasingly resistant layer.

Traditionally, it is recommended to have teeth scaling every 6 months to 1 year. But you may be wondering how to scale teeth without a dentist? If you want to know how to remove tartar from teeth naturally, follow the following tips to put together a real home dental scaling kit.

Home remedy 1

1/2 liter of water
60 grams of walnut shell
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In a container, preferably aluminum, boil water and 60 grams of inshell flour over low heat until it reaches boiling point, then boil for 10 minutes over low heat.
The result will be a paste similar to toothpaste, which we will use to brush our teeth for 5 minutes 2 times a month.
Home remedy 2

2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons of lime juice
1/2 liter of water

In a container preferably made of aluminum, our ingredients simmer over low heat for 1 hour, the result of this mixture is to use it to brush your teeth for 5 minutes twice a month. This will keep our teeth free of plaque and tartar.
Our oral hygiene is very important, because it is our letter to smile and speak. The buildup of tartar and plaque causes bad breath, apart from how ugly it looks blackened, yellow teeth.



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