How to take care of the phalangium, the plant that purifies the air in your home

If there is one thing that plant lovers especially appreciate, it is having a species at home that does not require much attention, that is aesthetically beautiful and has a wonderful appearance. This is the case of the spider plant , a very resistant plant that has numerous qualities.

The phalangium belongs to the genus Chlorophytum , is native to southern Africa and is extremely resistant, capable of perfectly tolerating even sudden changes in climate.

This plant has long, whitish stems, adorned with small white flowers, and tufts of leaves that can also be used as cuttings to propagate the spider plant and have more than one plant.

There are about 25 species of the spider plant, and all of them need to be exposed to sunlight. However, in periods of extreme heat, it is best to place it in shaded places.

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