How to scare ants away? Our 7 tips

How to do ?

All you have to do is sprinkle it here and there, in every corner of the house. They will smell its scent from afar and immediately turn around!

White vinegar
Apply white vinegar to the bottom of the door
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Apply white vinegar to the bottom of the door. Source: spm
We continue with this other well-known repellent. Well, obviously, we ourselves sometimes have trouble putting up with the strong smell of vinegar, so we can imagine that it must be real torture for these little critters. Come on, take the opportunity to prepare a well-measured mixture. Here is the procedure to follow

How to do ?

Mix three parts white vinegar and one part water.
Then pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray liberally under doors, on the patio or even around your bed.
This acidic liquid will help trap them and deter them from staying around. Oh yes, don’t forget to use it when you’re cleaning: by pouring a little vinegar into the bucket, you will not only make the floor shine, but you will also be guaranteed to keep these unwanted people away.

Cornmeal and boric acid
Cornmeal paste, boric acid and oil against ants
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Cornmeal paste, boric acid and oil against ants. Source: spm
To fight against a possible ant invasion, this remedy proves practical.

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