How to quickly eliminate bedbugs, cockroaches, fruit flies and other insects from our homes

How to quickly eliminate bedbugs, cockroaches, fruit flies and other insects from our homes

No matter where you live, whether it’s the countryside or the city, there is nothing more “terrifying” than seeing a cockroach take a walk on the table, an army of ants taking over the house or a mouse trying to make a new nest in the closet.

To permanently eliminate the problem of insects in our homes, there are a myriad of products available. However, they are all real concentrates of chemical substances and very harmful to our health.

Below we explain how to keep insects away from our homes without resorting to that type of products and obtaining practically identical results.


Just pour a little coffee powder on the entry points of the ants, such as doors or windows. The coffee has a repellent action that will keep the ants away.

Another effective method is to dissolve 100 grams of sugar in 250 ml of water and then add two tablespoons of borax. Dip a cotton ball in the solution and apply it near the anthill.

Fruit flies

They are harmless but very annoying. To eliminate them, just clean the surfaces around the fruit container with a cloth dampened with hot water.

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