How to easily clean the entire washing machine for 3 cents

How to easily clean the entire washing machine for 3 cents


When you use natural remedies in the washing machine, you realize that a single ingredient can make all the difference, both for the laundry and for the care of the appliance.

One of these ingredients is undoubtedly vinegar, which helps to restore the shine of the washing machine or the laundry.

Vinegar has a powerful cleaning and degreasing effect, is easy to use and, above all, is very economical (count on 0.3 cents per use when the bottle of vinegar costs 0.36 cents).

You use it for many household tasks, but here’s how to use vinegar in the washing machine!

natural fabric softener
The first and most interesting use of vinegar is to choose it as a natural fabric softener.

You often buy many different products to perfume and soften your clothes, but in the end you only need one ingredient!

If you add a small cup of white vinegar to the detergent drawer every time you wash your clothes, you will immediately notice that your laundry is soft!

Vinegar helps to stretch the fibers of fabrics, allows water to pass through and makes them softer.

You can add 5 or 6 drops of lavender essential oil to perfume your clothes.

Cleaning the washing machine
If you decide to buy a washing machine, you should know that you will have to keep it constantly clean.

If you do not pay enough attention to this, problems such as unpleasant odors in the washing machine, smelly clothes or limescale on your clothes that dirty them can arise.

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