Get Rid of Money Wasting: Combine salt, kerosene, and a detergent of your choice.

Doing this at home is well within your capabilities.

Countless people have squandered their hard-earned cash on insecticides without realizing that there is an alternate method that will effectively eliminate flying and creeping insects from your home and yard.

Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of its effectiveness; most of us use kerosene, as does everyone else. Because of how often they are used, salt and detergent are common household items. Gather an empty container (an Eva water container might work), some salt, kerosene, and detergent (any kind would do), and then follow the instructions below.

Directions for Combining Ingredients.

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Collect the empty container, add around 10 tea spoons of salt to it, and then fill it with 100 naira worth of detergent, or whatever brand you like. Obtain the kerosene and pour it into the container until it reaches half of the capacity. Next, cover it and shake it vigorously. To apply, simply poke a small hole in the container top and massage gently.

If you’ve ever been troubled by insects—both flying and crawling—such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, ants, flies, centipedes, snakes, lizards, and reptiles of all kinds—your troubles are over. After you’ve combined the materials, you may spray them anywhere you see fit to eliminate the pests that have been causing you trouble at home.

If you want to keep snakes and other creepy crawlies out of your compound, you should apply this mixture every three days. If you’re dealing with bedbugs, drop some around your room and leave them for 20 minutes; if you’re dealing with mosquitoes, drop some around and you won’t see them again.



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