Find out how to use toothpaste to clean your floor and make your tiles shine.

Your homemade cleaner is ready to use.

A multipurpose product
Toothpaste is an ingredient that can be used daily for various household tasks. You can also involve your children in household chores to empower them and help them develop their creativity by introducing them to natural tricks like this one. In addition, toothpaste is not only an effective floor cleaner, but it also helps maintain your furniture and your common objects. Here are some other tricks to experiment with using toothpaste:

Erasing pencil marks on the wall
If your child has accidentally stained your wall with pencil, we have the solution! You can spread toothpaste with a slightly damp cloth on the affected surface and then rub. Then rinse with warm water and dry.

Removing lipstick stains from clothes
If you have clumsily left lipstick stains on your white clothes, don’t panic! All you have to do is put a little toothpaste on the item of clothing in question, then rub it gently before rinsing with warm water.

Cleaning tile joints
To have a clean bathroom and kitchen without resorting to chemicals, you can use toothpaste. All you have to do is apply toothpaste directly to the joints, then let the paste sit for half an hour. Then, scrub with a brush to remove embedded dirt and rinse with warm water.

Make your silver jewelry shine
This is probably one of the most effective grandmother’s tips to make silver jewelry shine. Put a dollop of toothpaste on a used toothbrush, then gently scrub your jewelry. Then rinse it thoroughly with cold water and dry it with a clean towel. Your jewelry will be as good as new!
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