At this point, cover the jars with the cut squares of sachet and secure them with an elastic band. Let them rest covered for at least 3 days. Remember to shake them from time to time to always keep the mixture well integrated.
If you prefer, instead of the plastic bag, you can also use pieces of gauze to close the jars. In just a few steps you will have created a homemade dehumidifier for your home.
Where to place the jars
To best counteract the increase in humidity in the home, you can place your jars in various areas to obtain an optimal result. For example, you can place them in the bathroom, since this is one of the rooms in the house where humidity is most likely to form.
You can also place them in other rooms of the house, such as the kitchen, living room or bedrooms. As well as being an excellent remedy against humidity, they are also useful for perfuming rooms and combating bad odours.
We recommend placing the jars in front of the windows, especially at night, when the humidity drops. The anti-humidity jars are also perfect for your laundry. You can place them next to the dirty clothes to better dry all your clothes and bedding. In fact, they are perfect to put next to the clothesline.