Freeze lemons and say goodbye to diabetes, cancer and obesity

We list their main advantages: reduce the risk of stroke; prevent cancer; strengthen the immune system; treat and prevent inflammation; antibacterial effect; relieve asthma symptoms; fight depression and anxiety; purify the kidneys and liver; Studies have also shown that lemon zest is effective in fighting more than ten different types of cancer and may work … Read more

Auf der Zunge schmelzende Rindfleischspitzen mit Pilzsoße

Ein herzhaftes Rindfleischgericht hat etwas unglaublich Tröstliches, besonders wenn es zarte Fleischstücke in einer reichhaltigen, würzigen Soße enthält. Dieses besondere Rezept für auf der Zunge schmelzende Rindfleischspitzen mit Pilzsoße erinnert mich an gemütliche Familienessen, bei denen der Duft von köchelndem Rindfleisch und Pilzen das Haus erfüllte. Es erinnert mich an die Küche meiner Großmutter, wo … Read more

How to get rid of bed bugs from mattress

Alcohol is a product widely used especially for disinfection, but also for dozens of other uses ranging from adhesive removal to cleaning. In this article, we suggest another alcohol consumption that you may not have known about.Many insects can live in our mattress, so small that they are not visible, but are extremely annoying. Below … Read more

Eier in Senfsauce

Zutaten: 4 Eier 2 Esslöffel Butter 2 Esslöffel Mehl 1 Tasse Milch 2 Esslöffel Senf (nach Geschmack, gerne mittelscharf) Salz und Pfeffer nach Geschmack frische Petersilie zum Garnieren (optional)

How to Perfume the Whole House With 3 Bay Leaves

How to Perfume the Whole House With 3 Bay Leaves Navigating through colder seasons, our homes often become tightly sealed cocoons. Windows remain shut, keeping out the chill but inviting stagnation and trapping musty scents indoors. Fret not, for the humble bay leaf emerges as a fragrant solution! 👉 Dive into this read and discover … Read more


This Baklava at its core is a strong sweet dessert. Done well, one to two bites will satiate you in one sitting, kind of like the area coffee. It’s truly delicious and worth every minute it takes to create. Made of layer upon layer of buttered phyllo filled with chopped nuts and dried fruit, served … Read more