Copycat Taco Bell Mexican Pizza

Ever felt the heartache when Taco Bell took your beloved Mexican Pizza off their menu, and the joy when they brought it back, only to face disappointment again? 😢➡️😃➡️😢 It’s an emotional rollercoaster we’ve all ridden. But what if YOU could control when you get to savor that deliciousness? Don’t leave your cravings at the … Read more

Christmas Eve Creamy Crockpot Hot Chocolate

Christmas Eve Creamy Crockpot Hot Chocolate <ul> <li>1.5 cups heavy cream,</li> <li>1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14oz)</li> <li>2 cups milk chocolate chips,</li> </ul> continued on next page<!–nextpage–> <ul> <li>6 cups of milk,</li> <li>1 tsp vanilla extract. Yum !— have to remember this at christmas this year !! :</li> </ul> <div class=”code-block code-block-2″></div>

Getting Rid of Wrinkles and Spots

Parsley is not just a kitchen herb; it has powerful skin benefits due to its high vitamin and antioxidant content.   Known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, parsley can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.   It promotes skin elasticity and combats oxidative stress thanks to its rich vitamin … Read more

Brown Sugar Peach Crumble Pie

Ingredients:– 1 pre-made pie crust (9-inch)– 5 cups sliced fresh peaches– 1/2 cup granulated sugar– 1/4 cup all-purpose flour– 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon– 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg– 1 tablespoon lemon juice– Crumble topping:– 1 cup all-purpose flour– 1/2 cup rolled oats– 1/2 cup brown sugar– 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted– 1/4 teaspoon saltDirections: continued on … Read more

Decadent Pecan Pie Brownies

Ingredients:1 box brownie mix (plus ingredients listed on the box)1 cup chopped pecans1/2 cup unsalted butter1 cup packed light brown sugar1/4 cup heavy cream1 teaspoon vanilla extractPinch of saltDirections: continued on next page


Dieser Taco-Hackbraten verleiht dem klassischen Gericht eine geschmackvolle Note, indem er Hackfleisch mit den kräftigen Aromen von Salsa, Mais, schwarzen Bohnen und Taco-Gewürz kombiniert. Belegt mit geschmolzenem Käse und einer Prise frischem Koriander ist es eine herzhafte Mahlzeit, die perfekt für jedes Abendessen unter der Woche ist. Zutaten: 1 Pfund Hackfleisch (vorzugsweise mager) 1 Tasse … Read more

Kartoffelsalat mit Eiern

Zutaten: 1 kg Kartoffeln (festkochend) 4 Eier 1 mittelgroße Zwiebel 200 g Gewürzgurken (optional) 150 g Mayonnaise (oder eine leichtere Alternative wie Joghurt) 2 TL Senf 2 EL Weißweinessig 3 EL Pflanzenöl Salz und Pfeffer (nach Geschmack) Frische Kräuter (z. B. Schnittlauch oder Petersilie) zur Garnitur Zubereitung: