„Oh mein Gott, das war so lecker! Meine Familie und ich haben es so genossen und werden es noch viele weitere Abendessen zubereiten.“

Dieses klassische Wohlfühlgericht besteht aus zarten Kohlblättern, die mit einer würzigen Mischung aus Hackfleisch, Reis und aromatischem Gemüse gefüllt sind. In einer reichhaltigen Tomatensauce geköchelt, sind diese Kohlrouladen eine herzhafte und sättigende Mahlzeit, die perfekt für einen gemütlichen Abend ist. Gefüllte Kohlrouladen Zutaten: Zutat Menge 1 mittelgroßer Kohlkopf (3 Pfund) 1/2 Pfund Rinderhackfleisch 1/2 Pfund … Read more

Layered Salad

Delight your guests with this visually stunning and delicious Layered Salad, perfect for any gathering or special occasion. Packed with crisp veggies, hearty proteins, and topped with a creamy homemade dressing, this salad not only tastes great but also serves as a decorative centerpiece. INGREDIENTS For the Salad: 1 head iceberg lettuce, washed and torn … Read more

Super strong organic fertilizer, will keep all your plants healthy for 12 months

Introducing a potent organic fertilizer that will ensure your plants remain vibrant and healthy for a full year. Say goodbye to chemical solutions that can harm your plants and soil. Instead, embrace the natural goodness of homemade fertilizers that you can prepare in just minutes. In the quest for lush and resilient plants, it’s essential … Read more

Irresistible Yogurt Cherry Cake!

Cherry Jam: 500g cherries (frozen) 70g cornstarch 150g sugar 150ml water Dough: 3 egg yolks Pinch of salt 80g powdered sugar 80g melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 200g flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Cream: 👇 To continue reading, scroll down and click Next 👇

Natural Cleanse with Dried Fruit: Raisins, Apricots, and Plums

If you’re looking for a gentle, natural way to cleanse your intestines and possibly lose weight, consider a blend of dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, and plums. Known for their rich fiber content and natural laxative properties, these fruits can help improve digestion and cleanse the digestive tract. Here’s how incorporating just one tablespoon … Read more

Mini pizza burgers

ingredients: 6 burger buns (cut in half) 500 g (1.1 lbs) ground beef or turkey 1 onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, minced Salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon olive oil 12 slices of tomato 12 slices of cheese (mozzarella or your preferred cheese) 1 cup pizza sauce or marinara sauce 1 tablespoon Italian … Read more