- ½ glass of vinegar
- ½ glass of olive oil
- ½ glass of shampoo
Instructions: Pour the three ingredients into a spray bottle and shake the mixture. Spray the liquid in different corners of the house.
3. Lavender Essential Oil Repellent
Put a few drops of lavender essential oil on a sponge, place it in an area frequented by flies, and let it work. Repeat the operation as soon as the smell disappears.
4. Lemon and Clove Repellent
This traditional tip involves cutting a lemon (preferably green) in half and inserting about fifteen cloves into each half. The combination of these two scents acts as a natural repellent against mosquitoes and flies. After a few days, the lemon pulp will turn brown. Repeat this operation weekly.
Other Tips for Repelling Insects
Anti-Insect Plants
Certain fragrant plants have a repellent effect on insects. Simply plant them in containers and place them on windowsills and balconies to create a natural barrier.
Against Mosquitoes:
- Lemon balm
- Lemon thyme
- Small-leaved basil
- Dalmatian pyrethrum
Against Flies:
- Tuberous chervil
- Basil plant
- Pennywort
Against Cockroaches:
- Bay leaves (place them in areas frequented by these pests)
Practical Advice
To avoid or limit an insect invasion, it’s essential to eliminate factors that facilitate their development:
- Store food in airtight glass or plastic containers.
- Clean the kitchen after meals.
- Remove leftover food and crumbs.
- Keep the trash can closed and empty it frequently.
- Wash dishes after each meal.
- Do not leave dishwater standing.
- Clean worktops regularly.
- Remove grease deposits from cooking appliances.
- Repair water leaks promptly.
- Clean and ventilate vents regularly.
- Never block air vents.