Antique sponges “WORTH GOLD” | Never throw them away again!

Mix sponge and soil

The first method involves making a  mixture with soil and sponge.  We take some scissors and cut the sponge into pieces of approximately 1 centimeter. Now we could mix it with soil and use it to grow  cuttings  : remember to mix 50% sponge and 50% soil. The proportion refers to volume, not weight.

Then we fill a container that acts as a vase for our cuttings. We just have to push them into the container to make sure they can take root and create new seedlings. With a sprayer, remember  to water  the soil regularly. By covering everything with a  plastic bag  , we could create a kind of microclimate that will favor the growth of the cuttings.


The second method involves the use of  seeds  . Simply use the seeds of the fruit we want to grow and then a good sponge. We cut the latter in half and make another  cut  that does not completely subdivide the piece, but allows 4-5 seeds to be inserted inside.

Once inserted, we close everything and put it in a container with  water  . After a few days we will notice that the seeds have already developed a root system. Subsequently, transfer everything to a jar of at least  10 cm in diameter  and make a central hole in the soil: place the seed with the root facing up and then wet it well. After three months, the plant will have already grown by about 4-5 cm!

twigs or leaves

Finally, the third method involves the use of a  twig  . We will insert the cut into the sponge, making sure that it is completely wrapped. We take a glass and fill it with about 2 cm of water at the bottom. After a few weeks we will notice significant growth: the roots will measure several centimeters and we can decide to move everything to a pot with soil. However, let us proceed with caution. The same goes for the  leaves  .



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