How to clean your home floor with just 3 ingredients: never had it so white

Is it possible to clean the floor of the house with 3 main ingredients? The substance will make the surfaces become very white.

Floor cleaning solution

Bottle and floor

Dirty floors and black joints? The products on the market are not suitable for this type of special cleaning. For this reason, experts in the field have decided to bring together some ingredients and improve classic cleaning. With a single gesture, you can get a powerful product for the surfaces of your home. The dirt will be completely removed and the joints will be white again. What are the ingredients and how to do it? The word of the experts.

Cleaning the floor of the house, how to create a DIY product

Cleaning experts are always studying new formulas to clean floors, make them very white and create something that can be repeated over time.

How many times do you find yourself with a dirty floor, bordered in black and impossible to clean? Thanks to the power of three ingredients, the surface will once again be as clean and beautiful as it was before. The main ingredients are:

  • Floor cleaner;
  • Peroxide water 40 volumes;
  • Hot water.
  • Pour two spoons of floor cleaner into a container (or in equal quantities to the surfaces to be cleaned) and immediately after 1 spoon of hydrogen peroxide 40 volumes.

Cleaning the floor of your home :

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