How to eliminate an ant invasion in the home

As we well know, ants are a pest that can invade our kitchen at any time. Although they are small, they are noticeable and have the ability to get into small holes to reach sealed foods. Therefore, the question is:  How to combat ant invasion.

The reality is that urgent measures must be taken, the reason is because ants are very dirty because they walk in the garbage, sewers, on the street, in hospitals and everywhere we can think of.

Therefore, when they invade our home it is to worry and do something about it. Now let’s learn how to make this homemade solution to exterminate this pest that has invaded our house:

How to combat ant invasion

Surely we think that we have a wide variety of products that the market offers us to exterminate ants and other insects, that is true but we cannot use them every day. We know well that they are toxic and contain harmful chemicals, therefore we should not abuse them, but rather look for other solutions.

In fact, we are talking about homemade solutions with ingredients that we can get and put an end to ants. For example, boric acid is a substance that when ants consume it, they directly die.

Now if we combine them, it attracts ants more and becomes a very effective trap. That is, boric acid mixed with sugar never fails. Furthermore, let’s think that the ants will transport this mixture to their nests and the entire colony will consume it, in this way they will all die.

Let’s see how to prepare it:


  • 3 tbsp. of boric acid
  • 3 glasses of hot water
  • 1 cup of white sugar
  • 1 Pot with lid
  • Cotton pads or swabs
  • Continued on next page


    1. To begin, in a container we mix the boric acid plus the cup of sugar.
    2. Then, we slowly add the hot water and with the help of a spoon we mix until it dissolves well.
    3. Next step, we pour it into the pot with a lid.
    4. Next, we take a cotton swab or pad and dip it in the mixture, then place it on a small plate. Let’s remember, do not put your hands or fingers directly into the mixture.
    5. Once we detect where the ants are passing through the home or where they are settling, we place the plate with the cotton moistened in boric acid there.
    6. We will leave it there for 1 day, it is essential  to keep children and pets away from the dish.

    Let’s apply this deadly mixture of boric acid with sugar and exterminate the ants once and for all!

    Tips and tricks:

    Those who have already tried this method with ants assure that between 2 to 3 days the ants disappear completely. Our kitchen will surely be free and clean of these unpleasant insects.

    Just as ants love sugary foods, they can’t stand the smell of vinegar. So if we mix it with water in equal parts, we can spray it in the areas where the ants roam and enter the house. Little by little, we will observe that the circulation of ants is decreasing and they will move away from the place, because the strong smell of vinegar will disorient them.

    Herbs and spices also help scare away ants, such as mint, bay leaves, garlic and even coffee beans, which serve as natural repellents. By simply spreading them in certain areas of the house, they will help block the passage of ants into our house. In addition, you can prepare bags with bunches of herbs and place them in drawers or corners of the rooms.



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