Julia Vignali, her breast revealed live: an accident of which she is ashamed, “I made a Sophie Marceau!”

If she is now fully fulfilled at the helm of “Télématin”, Julia Vignali experienced an embarrassing moment in her career which she will remember for the rest of her life, even if she would much prefer to forget it…
Julia Vignali is used to morning shows. At the helm of Télématin, with her sidekick Thomas Sotto, since the start of the 2021 school year, the beautiful host also served as Miss Météo on Canal+, around ten years ago (between 2010 and 2012). But from this experience, Kad Merad’s wife does not only have very good memories… One incident in particular stuck in her mind and it is certain that many viewers also remember it….
Wednesday March 8, 2023, the pretty brunette gave an interview to our colleagues at Buzz TV, for the occasion, she returned to the now famous dress accident she suffered. A very uncomfortable moment for her, since her breasts were revealed live.. “I lost my strap in La Matinale by Maïtena Biraben, on Canal+. I was Miss Météo at the time. I found myself with my breasts on looks… bad, I did a Sophie Marceau,” she recalled. Indeed, the famous French actress experienced the same scenario at the Cannes Film Festival in 2005, when the strap of her dress slipped on her shoulder and her breast furtively appeared to the delight of photographers…
In ten minutes, I found myself on Facebook
At the time, the images quickly circulated on the Web and Julia Vignali unfortunately could not do anything to control it. “Social networks were starting to take off and in ten minutes, I found myself on Facebook – there was only that as a social network at the time – with music by Barry White in the background. Atmosphere! I “I was ashamed, it was bad! But hey, it’s not very serious”, she then tried to put things into perspective.
Fortunately, this incident did not prevent Julia Vignali from pursuing a flourishing career. After being at the helm of Maternelles from 2012 to 2015 on France 5, the beauty obtained the position of columnist in C à Vous. Then, she was co-host of the Telethon in 2015 and presenter of Best Pastry Chef from 2017 to 2021 on M6.
On the private side, she has a son, Luigi (aged 16), born from her love with a certain Julien. In February 2016, she revealed that she was in a relationship with actor Kad Merad, whom she married privately on November 26, 2022.
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