<strong>If you are in the habit of storing these 7 foods in the refrigerator, you are making a big mistake. Here’s why and what they are. </strong>
<figure id=”attachment_480201″ class=”wp-block-image”><img class=”wp-image-480201″ title=”Eggs in the carton” src=”” alt=”Eggs in the carton” /></figure>
Due to the great  <strong>heat</strong>  we are experiencing these days,  <strong>food</strong>  also spoils  <strong>more easily</strong>  . And so the first  <strong>solution</strong>  that comes to mind is to  <strong>put them all in the refrigerator. </strong>But is it really the right thing  <strong>to</strong>  do? This may surprise you, but if you’re in the habit of storing these  <strong>7 foods in the refrigerator</strong>  , you’re doing something  <strong>wrong. </strong>Let’s find out what they are.
<h2 class=”wp-block-heading”>PAY ATTENTION TO THESE 7 FOODS IN THE FRIDGE: BREAD</h2>
Putting  <strong>food in the refrigerator</strong>  is a common action that we carry out  <strong>in good faith,</strong>  convinced that this way  <strong>it will last longer</strong>  and not deteriorate. However, for certain  <strong>foods</strong>  in particular, the refrigerator  <strong>is not necessary</strong>  , as it risks causing   our food  to <strong>deteriorate </strong><strong>sooner than expected.</strong>

This is the case, for example, with  <strong>bread</strong>  . Putting it in the  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  may seem like a good idea if you plan to  <strong>keep it</strong>  for several  <strong>days</strong>  , but the reality is that it changes the  <strong>flavor</strong>  and  <strong>texture</strong>  . Keeping it in the  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  speeds up the  <strong>maturation of the bread, which  </strong><strong>dries</strong>  sooner and appears more “  <strong>rubbery</strong>  ”.
<figure id=”attachment_480361″ class=”wp-block-image”><img class=”wp-image-480361″ title=”7 foods in the fridge” src=”” alt=”7 foods in the fridge” /></figure>
Additionally, bread has the ability to  <strong>absorb odors</strong>  from other foods stored in the refrigerator, which is why it may also taste  <strong>different</strong>  . However, if we really can’t  <strong>help but</strong>  store bread in the refrigerator, there are a few  <strong>precautions</strong> we can take  .

For example, it makes more sense to opt for freezing  <strong>:</strong>  we cut our bread  <strong>into slices</strong>  and place them individually in  <strong>freezer bags. </strong>At this point, simply  <strong>defrost it</strong>  and  <strong>reheat it in the oven</strong>  to enjoy it as if it had just been taken out of the oven.
<h3 class=”wp-block-heading”>Onions and Garlic</h3>
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Also watch out for  <strong>onion and garlic</strong>  in the refrigerator. Onions, in particular, should preferably be stored in a  <strong>cool, dry place</strong>  when they are whole, for example in  <strong>the  </strong><strong>cellar</strong>  or in a  <strong>pantry</strong>  . The  <strong>ideal temperature</strong>  for their conservation is around  <strong>7-13°</strong>  and they do not like humidity  <strong>. </strong><strong>Putting them in the refrigerator</strong>  is therefore not the  <strong>best solution.</strong>

Different situation for  <strong>cut onions. </strong>In this case, they risk deteriorating more  <strong>easily</strong>  . For this reason, it is advisable to store them  <strong>in the refrigerator</strong>  , possibly in an  <strong>airtight container</strong>  so that they are  <strong>exposed to air as little as possible. </strong>This way you will also prevent the  <strong>smell</strong>  of cut onion from  <strong>spreading</strong>  throughout the refrigerator.

And  <strong>garlic</strong>  ? Its  <strong>bulbs</strong>  , like the onion, prefer to be stored in a   dry, cool and  <strong>well-ventilated </strong><strong>environment</strong>  , such as a  <strong>pantry</strong>  . Pay particular attention to  <strong>direct sunlight</strong>  : it is absolutely  <strong>not recommended</strong>  for  <strong>whole garlic bulbs.</strong>
<figure id=”attachment_480318″ class=”wp-block-image”><img class=”wp-image-480318″ title=”Onion and garlic” src=”” alt=”Onion and garlic” /></figure>
However, if we have to store  <strong>already cut garlic cloves</strong>  , the  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  is the best option to  <strong>preserve their freshness</strong>  . As with  <strong>onions</strong>  , however, it is advisable to store garlic in an  <strong>airtight container</strong>  to  <strong>protect it</strong>  and prevent other foods  <strong>from absorbing its odor</strong>  .

We can store garlic cloves  <strong>in the refrigerator</strong>  for up to  <strong>2 weeks on average. </strong>However, it must be considered that by remaining in the refrigerator, the  <strong>flavor</strong>  of the garlic changes slightly, becoming  <strong>more delicate. </strong>
<h3 class=”wp-block-heading”>Avoid These 7 Fridge Foods: Avocados and Potatoes</h3>
Can you store avocado in the  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  ? Yes, but it depends on the  <strong>level of maturity</strong>  it is at when  <strong>we store it</strong>  . An  <strong>unripe avocado</strong>  should preferably be kept  <strong>out of the refrigerator</strong>  until it fully ripens. Otherwise,  <strong>we would slow down</strong>  its  <strong>maturation</strong>  , which would force us to wait  <strong>a long time</strong>  before being able to  <strong>consume it</strong>  .

A  <strong>ripe avocado</strong>  , however, can be stored  <strong>in the refrigerator</strong>  if we intend to wait  <strong>a few days</strong>  before consuming it. This way its  <strong>freshness</strong>  will persist  <strong>longer.</strong>

To  <strong>best store it</strong>  in the refrigerator, it would be a good idea to wrap the avocado in a  <strong>towel</strong>  or  <strong>paper bag</strong>  . By doing so, excess  <strong>moisture</strong>  will be absorbed and we will prevent our  <strong>avocado</strong>  from ripening  <strong>too quickly.</strong>
<figure id=”attachment_480319″ class=”wp-block-image”><img class=”wp-image-480319″ title=”Avocado in the refrigerator” src=”” alt=”Avocado in the refrigerator” /></figure>
The  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  is also suitable for an  <strong>already opened avocado</strong>  , which can be kept  <strong>cool</strong>  after rubbing the  <strong>lemon</strong> pulp  or  <strong>olive oil, to prevent it from  </strong><strong>oxidizing</strong>  .

And the  <strong>potatoes</strong>  ? These are  <strong>vegetables</strong>  that require a  <strong>different preservation method</strong>  from other vegetables. In fact, it’s best to store  <strong>whole potatoes in a  </strong><strong>dark, cool environment</strong>  with  <strong>good ventilation</strong>  . If placed  <strong>in the refrigerator</strong>  , the  <strong>starch</strong>  in potatoes can turn to  <strong>sugar</strong>  more quickly, changing their  <strong>flavor</strong>  .

If, due to the heat, there is no  <strong>cool place</strong>  to store them, you can opt for the  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  , but be careful not to leave the potatoes  <strong>in the refrigerator</strong>  for more than  <strong>a week. </strong>
<h3 class=”wp-block-heading”>Tomatoes and Olive Oil</h3>
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We come to a food whose  <strong>conservation</strong>  is often debated:  <strong>tomatoes</strong>  . Generally, it is not  <strong>recommended</strong>  to store tomatoes  <strong>in the refrigerator</strong>  unless they have reached a  <strong>high level of maturity</strong>  and we want to keep them  <strong>for a few more days.</strong>

Why is the  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  not suitable for  <strong>tomatoes</strong>  ? Mainly a matter of  <strong>taste</strong>  :  <strong>low temperature</strong>  can change the  <strong>consistency</strong>  and  <strong>flavor</strong>  of tomatoes, making them  <strong>less flavorful and stringy</strong>  . To keep our tomatoes  <strong>in perfect condition</strong>  , the ideal is to store them at  <strong>room temperature</strong>  , protecting them from  <strong>direct sunlight.</strong>
<figure id=”attachment_480320″ class=”wp-block-image”><img class=”wp-image-480320″ title=”Tomatoes” src=”” alt=”Tomatoes” /></figure>
However, if the tomatoes are  <strong>really very ripe</strong>  and we need to  <strong>keep them a little longer</strong>  , we can put them in the  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  . Little tip: before  <strong>consuming them</strong>  once they have been removed from the refrigerator, let the tomatoes  <strong>warm up</strong>  to  <strong>room temperature</strong>  . This way the flavor will be  <strong>better</strong>  .

And  <strong>olive oil</strong>  ? The  <strong>refrigerator</strong>  , in this case, is absolutely  <strong>not recommended</strong>  : the olive oil must be kept  <strong>cool</strong>  and in a  <strong>dark</strong> place  . The  <strong>cold</strong>  of the refrigerator, in fact, can make the oil denser  <strong>and cloudier</strong>  , or lead to the formation of  <strong>condensation</strong>  inside the bottle, which would compromise the  <strong>quality</strong>  of our oil due to  <strong>humidity</strong>  .

As a general rule, olive oil should be stored at a temperature of  <strong>20-25°</strong>  in an  <strong>airtight container</strong>  and away from  <strong>direct sunlight.</strong>



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