<strong>Don’t throw away the rolls anymore, you can recycle the toilet paper which in this way is worth its weight in gold, the little job you create is very sweet.</strong>
How many times do we throw away toilet paper rolls once they are finished in paper and cardboard or even in the unsorted waste? Yet we do not know that we could easily <strong>recycle</strong> the rolls to obtain a truly beautiful result!
<h2>How to recycle toilet paper</h2>
After having revealed how to go from rubbish to luxury with 2 brilliant ideas to recycle old bleach bottles , now we reveal directly how to recycle <strong>toilet paper</strong> and in particular to make the most of the potential of its rolls. Toilet paper is a very versatile material, which can be used for example in combination with glue to create beautiful papier-mâché works.
<figure id=”attachment_491063″ class=”wp-caption aligncenter” aria-describedby=”caption-attachment-491063″><img class=”wp-image-491063 size-full” src=”https://www.nanopress.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Come-riciclare-la-carta-igienica.jpg” sizes=”(max-width: 740px) 100vw, 740px” srcset=”https://www.nanopress.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Come-riciclare-la-carta-igienica.jpg 740w, https://www.nanopress.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Come-riciclare-la-carta-igienica-300×195.jpg 300w” alt=”How to recycle toilet paper” width=”740″ height=”480″ /><figcaption id=”caption-attachment-491063″ class=”wp-caption-text”></figcaption></figure>
At the same time, since toilet paper is very expensive and its price does nothing but increase, you may want to use it for its intended use and only use empty toilet paper <strong>rolls</strong> , which otherwise would be thrown away. And now below we reveal how to use them to create a truly special craft, a decoration that we are sure you will be able to easily display in the coming months, since the Christmas period does not seem like it but is now upon us!
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<h3>Make a Christmas decoration</h3>
Here below we reveal a step by step tutorial that will help you make this craft without too much difficulty. First, take the used toilet paper rolls one by one and start gluing any fabric you find at home and that you like. If you have thought of making this decoration for the Christmas period, we recommend getting a red and white one or in any case with the colors that recall this holiday. After having wrapped the fabric adequately around each roll and fixed it with glue, we can continue by joining the rolls together. Try to find a sort of circle by arranging all the rolls upright and close together. And now we can continue by adding the <strong>decoration</strong> of the plants.
<figure id=”attachment_491062″ class=”wp-caption aligncenter” aria-describedby=”caption-attachment-491062″><img class=”wp-image-491062 size-full” src=”https://www.nanopress.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/riciclare-la-carta-igienica.jpg” sizes=”(max-width: 740px) 100vw, 740px” srcset=”https://www.nanopress.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/riciclare-la-carta-igienica.jpg 740w, https://www.nanopress.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/riciclare-la-carta-igienica-300×195.jpg 300w” alt=”How to recycle toilet paper” width=”740″ height=”480″ /><figcaption id=”caption-attachment-491062″ class=”wp-caption-text”></figcaption></figure>
We recommend that you get the classic fake garlands that wrap around the Christmas tree or hang at home, cut them with scissors to the size you need, and then attach them to the top of the rolls using a stapler or a hot glue gun. Then you can also add other decorations such as teddy bears, <strong>snowmen</strong> and other figures that recall Christmas. Get your children to help you too if you have any and we are sure that it will be an educational experience.