When and how to properly prune your fig tree for a bountiful harvest

When to prune a fig tree

It is always helpful to know how and when to prune a fig tree. If your tree can focus its efforts on sending sugars and hormones to specific branches and fruits, they will be even sweeter and tastier.

The best time of year to prune your fig tree is winter  . In fact, edible figs are dormant in the winter (your tree loses all its leaves).

  • After the coldest period of winter.
  • Before your tree starts producing new leaves.

Without leaves and fruit, it is much easier to see where your tree is. You can then prune it with confidence, knowing that you are giving your tree the best chance of producing tasty figs at the start of the new growing season.

How to prune a fig tree

First, a warning. Fig sap can be irritating to some people’s skin. Therefore, regardless of where your fig tree is located or how old it is, it is advisable to wear a pair of gloves.

Second, some good news: with a little practice, fig trees are easy to prune. Since all fruit is produced from new growth, even if you make one or two serious mistakes while pruning, your tree will almost certainly help you regrow anyway. Generally :

If your tree is too large or tall to harvest, you can safely cut it back by at least 60% and have a happy tree the following year.
If your tree is the right size, you can be a little more selective with your pruning so that it produces  more, better quality fruit  .

Size of a young fig

Pruning a young fig tree is a little more complicated than pruning an adult tree.

Start strong – To start, you will need to prune your tree more heavily for the first couple of years. It’s a bit like teaching your tree to walk, since this “training” period will allow it to grow according to the pattern you prefer.
Prune during transplanting – As soon as you have transplanted your tree from the first pot into the ground, prune it by about 50%. This process encourages the tree to establish a good root base and expand. Your goal should be to have three to six fairly well-spaced low branches.
Pruning During Winter – When winter arrives and your young tree goes dormant, it’s time to prune it. More specifically, you will prune by selecting the “fruit wood,” the one you will focus on so that your tree produces the best harvest. When pruning during the winter, hope to have six to eight well-spaced branches and prune the rest.

Continued on the next page



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