15 Clever Uses for Eggshells in Your Garden

Eggshells, often discarded as waste, can actually be a valuable asset for your garden. Discover 15 clever uses for eggshells to enhance the health of your plants and optimize your outdoor space:

1. Calcium-Rich Fertilizer:

  • Crush eggshells into a fine powder and sprinkle them around your plants. Calcium strengthens plant cell walls, promoting healthy growth.

2. Natural Pest Barrier:

  • Create a protective barrier around vulnerable plants by placing crushed eggshells on the soil surface. This deters slugs and snails, protecting your garden.

3. Seed Starters:

  • Use halved eggshells as small, biodegradable seed starter pots. Once seedlings are ready to transplant, plant them directly into the soil, eggshell and all.

4. Soil Aeration:

  • Crushed eggshells added to the soil provide aeration, preventing compaction and allowing better water drainage.

5. Mulch Enrichment:

  • Incorporate crushed eggshells into your mulch to add calcium to the soil as it breaks down.

6. Deterrent for Ground Pests:

  • Sprinkle crushed eggshells around the base of plants to deter crawling pests like ants and cutworms.
  • Continued on next page



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