13-year-old girl dies after drinking one sip of hot chocolate from coffee shop

In a statement read out in court, she said: “When I arrived at the coffee shop I said to the person serving that we both would like hot chocolate.

“I said that Hannah was severely allergic to cows’ milk and said they should clean the jug – to which they agreed.”

After purchasing the drinks the pair walked to the nearby dentist’s practice, and Hannah took a sip of the drink in the waiting room.

Ms Duyile recalled how her daughter “abruptly got up and went to the toilet and shouted ‘that was not soya milk’.”

In her statement, Ms Duyile said: “My initial response was of anger to the Costa Coffee staff – it gave way to terror.”

The 13-year-old unknowingly drank dairy milk in her hot chocolate, despite being severly allergic. (Getty Stock Image)

The mom went on to recall how Hannah’s reaction had ‘happened quickly’, and that she had started coughing up phlegm and was complaining of chest pains.

Ms Duyile rushed Hannah to a nearby pharmacy to get an EpiPen as they suspected Hannah was having an anaphylactic reaction.

There, a pharmacist administered the EpiPen in Hannah’s leg after she collapsed in the chemist.

A customer called an ambulance and attempts were started to resuscitate Hannah, which were taken over by paramedics.

Hannah was then taken to hospital where sadly, she was declared dead by 1pm, according to lawyers representing the family.

Due to her severe allergies, Hannah and her family had opted for her to use ‘complete avoidance’ at home.

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